Surface Coating Powders
EternAloy® HNT High-Performance Surface Coatings
HVOF Thermal Spray and Laser Metal Deposition
When a critical, wear-resistant surface coating has a very large impact on total system performance, durability or safety, HNT provides exceptional value.
Proven 5–6x Life Improvement with HNT HVOF Thermal Spray Coating
Industrial components with coating thicknesses as thin as 0.002” on a contoured surface are currently outperforming the best tool in a high-volume manufacturing operation.

High Velocity Oxygen Fueled (HVOF) Coatings
EternAloy® HNT materials can be deposited through HVOF in the same manner as a conventional cemented carbide materials but they offer significant advantages in wear life and overall robustness.
Advantages of TCHP Coatings Applied Through HVOF:
EternAloy® TCHP…..When Surface Wear Protection Really Matters™
Far superior sliding wear performance compared to leading aerospace coatings
Ability to “tune” the thermal spray process parameters to achieve various microstructures and wear-resistance performance
Can be deposited using a wide variety of HVOF systems (including Sulzer Metco, Praxair & Stellite)
Initial thermal spray coating trials have produced coating thickness as thin as 0.005” to over 0.062” during a “build-up” test (thinner and thicker coatings are possible).

Laser Clad Coatings
Similar to HNT coatings applied through HVOF, Laser Clad HNT coatings can be applied in a similar manner as standard cemented carbide based coatings but offer a customization that is unobtainable through conventional processing. HNT technology allows the full encapsulation of particles prior to blending and depositing which allows chemical reactive materials to be fully protected during deposition.
Advantages of Laser Clad HNT Coatings:
Much greater microhardness compared to LMD-applied tungsten carbide
LMD microstructures show dilution values of less than 20% and metallurgical bonding to the substrate